From the Desk of Nancy Shemet,
Environmental Scientist
“So… why exactly are you digging in the dirt?”
As an environmental scientist, “digging in the dirt” is all part of a day’s work. (Although the more professional terminology is “soil sampling”.)
From the Desk of Dylan Clemente,
Project Engineer
Are you thinking about starting a new construction project? Are you looking to construct a new building, or add an extension to your home’s floorplan? If so then you are going to need a foundation designed for your project.
From the Desk of Sarah Caliendo
Project Engineer
Why am I being charged another fee?
If you live in Suffolk County have you noticed the relatively new $20 “Water Quality Treatment Charge” on your water bill and wondered what it was for?
From the Desk of Daniel Mastrocco
Project Engineer
Why does it actually take that long to obtain a pool construction permit?
From the Desk of Andrew Hine
Project Engineer
IA OWTS What are they and do I need one?
From the Desk of Mia Tagliagambe
Project Engineer
“What are you doing?!”
“Are you from the town?”
“Are you supposed to be here?”
From the desk of Jim FerraiuoloEnvironmental Scientist
What is Environmental Science? Well, the best way to truly grasp the meaning of Environmental Science is to break it down into its components. Environmental- relating to your surroundings.